Well, I got my very first Google hit yesterday.

It was for �taylor the latte boy�, just as I�d suspected it would be. I found myself eighth on the very first results page. I was surprised to see that the number one spot went to the Gaychristian.net message boards where one such gay christian named Romans6 was trying to push the song �Taylor the Latte Boy� down the gay christian throats of other gay christians. Spots two through seven were, naturally, lyrics for and tidbits about the song (made famous by Ms. Kristen Chenoweth), so that was fine.

Speaking of gay, I was watching some figure skating thing on TV last night. Just before the big finale (Mr. Paul Wyle doing a rather poignant little number to Enrique Iglesias� Hero), they introduced the ice dancing couple of Oleg and Ludmilla Protopov (my spell checker just had an aneurism, mind you). They are 73 and 70 respectively and still skating. They wore matching outfits of salmon (the color, not the fish), with Oleg�s being a one-piece and Ludmilla in a mini-skirt. They skated to When I Fall in Love and let me tell you, I did.

The fact that my keyboard is starting to get all clogged up from chocolate bits and shavings should tell you a lot about what my life has been like the past couple of weeks.

Lastly, I�d like to thank Chris and Kate for writing me letters of recommendation for my school applications. Also, I got one from my lovely friend Karen in San Francisco. Reading your own letters of recommendations is a lot like attending your own funeral service but way better. You get to hear all of the nice things people have to say about you without that whole messy death thing. That reminds me of that episode of the Golden Girls where Sophia staged her own death just to hear her friends say nice things about her. That Sophia is a keeper, I tell you.

Posted by Taylor on February 13, 2005 @ 8:59 pm

It�s funny when you realize that you�ve grown up.

I remember when putting away the clean dishes and washing the dirty ones was considered a harsh punishment. That act that takes barely 30 minutes felt like a waste of an entire day. I remember when the thought of caring for someone other than myself wasn�t even an option. I remember when I thought that I was above heart-ache. When I thought that no one could hurt me. I remember when I could barely see enough of the top of my head to brush my hair in the bathroom mirror. Now I have to bend my knees a bit. It�s funny when you realize that you really have grown up.

Also worth noting are the three birthday gifts that I received! J sent me a gorgeous Ted Baker shirt (because it�s a size 2 European shirt and actually fits me). Chris sent me a ringer t-shirt that says �Math is hard, let�s go shopping� on it (because math is hard and we really should just go shopping) and Kate sent me an iTunes gift card (because she meant to send it to herself but accidentally entered my address). Now, if anyone has any suggestions for songs that really must be a part of my play list, please drop me a note or an email!

Posted by Taylor on February 12, 2005 @ 10:57 am

I got my first paycheck today.

It was for a measly three days, but also the largest check I�ve ever received. The future looks bright, my friends.

I�m really starting to grasp things, too. The system they�re using is a little archaic, but the more I use it the more it makes sense. I have to say, the woman who trained me was probably not the most suited for the job. In her defense, she knows her job and she does it well. Also, whether she knows it or not, she has insane OCD. I watched her try to get two adjacent cells in Excel to be the same shade of grey for roughly 9 minutes. She uses a ruler to cross things off of lists. She�s dated and initialed everything that�s crossed her desk, from reports to tape dispensers.

Also, I heard her tell a customer that subscriptions are available in three-month �inclements.�

Posted by Taylor on February 10, 2005 @ 9:18 pm

I suppose I should start by saying that,

honestly, it�s probably not going to be all that bad. The hours are going to be long and I�m sure the customers are going to drive me to the brink of insanity, but it�s probably not going to be all that bad.

Now, before today I�d only ever been in the office once before. For my interview. While waiting for my now-boss to finish up what she was doing I obviously scoped the place out. I made note of the two awkward looking men at the back of the office. I made note of the bad 70s fake wood wall paneling and the bad 70s tile floor and the bad overhead flourescent lighting. I made note of the two women who are now two of my co-workers. At the time I estimated that they maybe had eight teeth between them.

In a way I was right. One of them probably has about eight teeth. The other? Not so much with the teeth. Not so much.. Also, J has aptly nick-named them Patty and Selma.

But really, it�s probably not going to be all that bad.

Posted by Taylor on February 07, 2005 @ 8:26 pm