Last night I dreamt

that I was driving in a car giving my brother a tour of San Francisco. There was music playing, but it wasn't coming from the radio. It was just a soundtrack. When my alarm went off I woke up and the music stopped. Then I hit the snooze button and I fell back to sleep and I was back in the car and the soundtrack started up again. Then, nine minutes later, my alarm went off again and the music stopped again. I was very angry because I couldn't figure out why the music kept stopping.

Posted by Taylor on June 02, 2005 @ 9:35 am

I'm wearing new shoes today!

Except they're not even remotely new. They're 2 years and 11 months old. I know that they're 2 years and 11 months old because I bought them from Banana Republic on my very last day of working there (along with roughly four thousand other things - the discount was not to be wasted).

I don't know how I managed to forget that I owned them because they're perfectly nice cap-toe oxfords that I might have worn maybe once before but, unfortunately, they're black and not brown and, at this point in my life, I would give up food, water, sleep, and sex for new brown shoes.

Do you like how I slipped sex in there to give the illusion that I'm actually having it on an even semi-regular basis?


I like it when the homos call me at work. It's so rare that I get to have contact with my own kind. One just called. He was all deep-voiced and professional at the beginning of the conversation but I could hear his voice change as he slowly realized that he and I were of the same ilk. Silly queer.

Lastly, I'd like to say that I'm in need of an entirely new outfit for an upcoming affair and the thought of it has me teeming with all kinds of good.

Posted by Taylor on June 01, 2005 @ 1:57 pm

Before I talk about my weekend

I'd like to say that either Steve Jobs thinks I'm totally hot or I have some other secret admirer. I came home to find a $15 iTunes prepaid card waiting for me. Who? Who loves me so much that they'd send me free music? I must know!

And here is my Mouth kvetch for the day: She has been moping around the office all morning because she lost her friend's desk organizer. Whenever someone walks into the office she says, "Have you seen it? It's metal? It's like this? You know?" and then she points at something metal, like the filing cabinet or a desk drawer pull. Yes. Yes, Mouth. I've heard of metal. I'm familiar with metal. I know metal. Gah!

Okay, so hi. I somehow managed to force myself onto that airplane yesterday afternoon. Mentally, I think I'm somewhere in-between time zones but physically I am most assuredly back in this Godforsaken place.

I had an overwhelming sense of being home the moment I stepped out of the cab and started the familiar walk up the hill to 457 #1. That feeling only increased as the weekend went on. I think feeling so at home had a lot to do with the fact that the weekend didn't feel at all like a vacation. It was as if I hadn't even left for five months. We did dishes and weeded the garden and went shopping for body wash and shave creme. Nothing at all out-of-the-ordinary.

(We did see that new Star Wars movie. He laughed at me because I sat through 2 hours of alien races, alien spaceships, and alien weaponry only to walk out of the theatre in disbelief of Natalie Portman's pregnancy. I'm sorry, but that bitch was not carrying twins.

So, yes, I will be back for good in just two and a half months (as everyone is so quick to point out), but that doesn't really make it any easier.

Posted by Taylor on May 31, 2005 @ 1:10 pm

I'm home.

I'm back in Salem.

Posted by Taylor on May 31, 2005 @ 8:41 am